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The organism ErrorBoundary component is a helper component that allows you to catch JavaScript errors anywhere in the component tree and log those errors. This component is particularly useful when you need to catch errors in your app and display a fallback UI to the user.


import { ErrorBoundary } from "@/components/atoms";

<ErrorBoundary fallback={<div>Something went wrong</div>}>
<ExampleApplication />

Log errors

In the ErrorBoundary component, you will find a onErrorReport function that allows you to log the error in your application. You can use any logging library to log the error like sentry, logrocket, crashlytics, etc.

const onErrorReport = (error: Error, info: ErrorInfo) => {
// use any crash reporting tool here
return onError?.(error, info);


As the ErrorBoundary component is a wrapper component, it accepts all the props from the react-error-boundary library with fallback props except that the fallback prop is empty by default.

fallbackReactNodeThe required fallback UI to be displayed when an error occurs.
onResetfunctionThe optional function to reset the error state
...propsanyall props from ErrorBoundary component are supported.

This component is used in the SafeScreen component to catch JavaScript errors and display a fallback UI to the user.