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The idea behind the theme configuration is to have a single source of truth for all the theme related values. This is why the theme configuration is a simple object with the following structure:

colorscolorConfigDefine global colors
fontsFontConfigDefine colors and sizes to generate associated styles (color and fontSize)
guttersGuttersConfigDefine sizes to generate associated styles (padding and margin)
backgroundsRecord<string, string>Define colors generate associated styles (backgroundColor)
bordersBordersConfigDefine colors, sizes and radius to generate associated styles (borderColor, borderRadius, borderWidth)
navigationColorsNavigationColorsConfigDefine colors override ReactNavigation theme colors
variantsVariantsConfigDefine a new theme based on the previous values


A variant is a new theme based on the previous values. It means that the default theme is based on the previous keys (fonts, gutters, backgrounds, borders, navigationColors) to be generated and variant are just a way to create a new theme based on the previous values.

For example, if you want to create a dark theme, you can create a new variant based on the default theme and override the colors you want to change.

export const config = {
backgrounds: {
gray_200: '#DFDFDF',
variants: {
dark: {
backgrounds: {
gray_200: '#000000',

So here the theme dark will have the same values as the default theme except for the backgrounds.gray_200 value.

Statically generated styles

Some styles, including Backgrounds, Borders, Fonts and Gutters need to be dynamically generated depending on the actual theme. But, in some cases, the configuration is not sufficient to generate all the styles you need. So, in this case, you will need to add some static styles. In each style files you will find a static function to include non-config-based styles:

  • staticBackgroundStyles to generate static background styles
  • staticBorderStyles to generate static border styles
  • staticFontStyles to generate static font styles
  • staticGutterStyles to generate static gutter styles

into these files, you will be able to add any style you want. All of these will be available

Components styling

Sometimes, you will want to create some style object for a specific component. As we want to keep the theme configuration as the single source of truth, we don't want to have some style object in the component itself. Plus, we want to be able to use the theme configuration variables to generate these styles for example if we want to style a button based on the theme colors.

This is why we introduce the components file in the theme directory. The benefit of this is that you will be able to create a style object for a specific component and use the theme styles to generate these styles.

For example, if you want to style a circle Button component, you will create a circleButton entry in the components file.

export default ({ layout, backgrounds, fonts }: ComponentTheme) => {
return {
buttonCircle: {
height: 70,
width: 70,
borderRadius: 35,
} as const satisfies Record<string, ImageStyle | TextStyle | ViewStyle>;