Installing TDBM in Symfony


To install TDBM in Symfony 4.x:

$ composer config extra.symfony.allow-contrib true
$ composer require thecodingmachine/tdbm-bundle ^5.1
TDBM requires Doctrine DBAL to be available. In Symfony 4+, DBAL is available as a separated bundle. Therefore, installing the TDBM bundle will install Doctrine ORM bundle a dependency. Nothing to worry about, this is unfortunately an expected behaviour (more details)


The database connection is configured like any other Symfony application, using the DATABASE_URL environment variable.

The rest of the parameters are stored in the config/packages/tdbm.yaml file.

By default, beans will go into App\Beans and DAOs will go into App\Daos.

If your default namespace for your application is not App, you should open this tdbm.yaml file and customize the tdbm.bean_namespace and tdbm.dao_namespace to match your application namespace.

You can also use the config/packages/tdbm.yaml file to customize the naming of beans and DAOs.

Here is a configuration file with all available options:


    bean_namespace: App\Beans
    dao_namespace: App\Daos
    # The naming section is completely optional
        bean_prefix: ""
        bean_suffix: ""
        base_bean_prefix: Abstract
        base_bean_suffix: ""
        dao_prefix: ""
        dao_suffix: Dao
        base_dao_prefix: Abstract
        base_dao_suffix: Dao
        # Exceptions are used to transform a table name (the key) into a bean name (the value)
        # Very useful if your database table names are not in english 
        # (as TDBM will try to turn plural table names into singular bean names)
            chevaux: Cheval

Generating beans and DAOs

When installation is done, you need to generate DAOs and beans from your data model.

Run the following command:

bin/console tdbm:generate
You must run this command after the installation of the package, and each time you run a migration (i.e. each time the database model changes).

Accessing DAOs

Because Symfony 4 comes by default with auto-wiring of services, you can simply inject the generated DAOs in your controllers or services to use them.

namespace App\Controller;

use App\Daos\UserDao;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Annotation\Route;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller;

class TestController extends Controller

     * @var UserDao
    private $userDao;

    public function __construct(UserDao $userDao)

        $this->userDao = $userDao;

     * @Route("/test", name="test")
    public function index()
        return $this->json($this->userDao->findAll());

Supporting several databases

TDBM 5.2+

It is possible to plug TDBM to several databases. In this case, you will first want to declare several database connections in DBAL.

For instance:


        default_connection: default
                # configure these for your database server
                url: '%env(resolve:DATABASE_URL)%'
                driver: 'pdo_mysql'
                server_version: '5.7'
                charset: utf8mb4
                # configure these for your database server
                url: '%env(resolve:DATABASE_CUSTOMER_URL)%'
                driver: 'pdo_mysql'
                server_version: '5.7'
                charset: utf8mb4

Then, in TDBM, you will use these connections.


            bean_namespace: App\Beans
            dao_namespace: App\Daos
            connection: doctrine.dbal.customer_connection
            bean_namespace: App\Customer\Beans
            dao_namespace: App\Customer\Daos

Notice how the "connection" key is pointing to the instance of DBAL connection you are targeting.

Last but not least, add your Beans and Daos in the exclude list of Symfony:


    resource: '../src/*'
        - '../src/{Beans,Daos}'
        - '../src/Customer/{Beans,Daos}'

Indeed, Symfony overrides the TDBM bundle auto-wiring in its container; the DAOs not using the DBAL default connection won't be able to use the correct DBAL connection otherwise.

Now, when you want to generate beans and Daos, you will have to target the correct database:

$ bin/console tdbm:generate           # targets the default database
$ bin/console tdbm:generate:customer  # targets the "customer" database

Next step

Let's now learn how to access the database.

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