Installing TDBM in container-interop/service-provider compatible container


You can install TDBM 5 in any framework that can load service-providers compatible with the container-interop/service-provider interface.

In this document, we will describe integration of TDBM 5 with Simplex. Your mileage may vary based on the container you are using.

  "autoload": {
    "psr-4": {
      "App\\": "src/"
  "require": {
    "php": ">=7.2",
    "mnapoli/simplex": "^0.4.1",
    "thecodingmachine/tdbm-universal-provider": "^5",
    "thecodingmachine/discovery": "^1.2"
  "minimum-stability": "dev",
  "prefer-stable": true
We are also importing thecodingmachine/discovery that let's us import all container-interop/service-providers automatically.

The thecodingmachine/tdbm-universal-provider package has dependencies on a number of other service providers that will be loaded automatically:

  • "thecodingmachine/dbal-universal-module": provides a DBAL connection to the database
  • "thecodingmachine/stash-universal-module": provides a Stash cache
  • "thecodingmachine/psr-6-doctrine-bridge-universal-module": provides a bridge between Doctrine cache and Stash
  • "thecodingmachine/symfony-console-universal-module": provides a Symfony console for your application (at vendor/bin/app_console)

Creating a container with everything we need

Then let's create a container.php file at the root of your project and let's fill it with all service-providers:


use Simplex\Container;
use TheCodingMachine\Discovery\Discovery;
use Interop\Container\ServiceProviderInterface;

$serviceProviders = [];

foreach (Discovery::getInstance()->get(ServiceProviderInterface::class) as $serviceProviderName)
    $serviceProviders[] = new $serviceProviderName();

$container = new Container($serviceProviders);

// The settings for the database must be stored in the container.
// See for more information
$container->set('dbal.dbname', 'my_database');
$container->set('', 'localhost');
$container->set('dbal.user', 'root');
$container->set('dbal.password', '');
$container->set('dbal.port', 3306);

return $container;
Important: the file name MUST be `container.php`, it MUST be at the root of your project or in the "config" directory. It MUST return the container. Otherwise, the Symfony console service provider will not find it.

Generating beans and DAOs

When installation is done, you need to generate DAOs and beans from your data model.

Run the following command:

vendor/bin/app_console tdbm:generate
You must run this command after the installation of the package, and each time you run a migration (i.e. each time the database model changes).

Accessing DAOs

The TDBM service provider will create one service per DAO.

The service name is the fully qualified class name of the DAO.

For instance:

  • App\Daos\UserDao => $container->get('App\\Daos\\UserDao')


We strongly recommend using TDBM along a migration tool. For instance, Doctrine migrations. Since you use container-interop/service-providers, you can benefit from the Doctrine Migrations universal module.

Next step

Let's now learn how to access the database.

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