Miscellaneous features

Deleting beans

Each DAO comes with a delete method to delete beans from the database.


When delete is called on a bean, the many-to-many relationships are automatically deleted as well.

Cascading deletes

The delete method accepts a second $cascade parameter, that can be set to true is you want to perform cascade delete operations.

// Delete $user and any bean that is pointing to the user.
$userDao->delete($user, true);

When using "cascading delete", any bean pointing to the deleted bean will be deleted as well.

Discarding changes on a bean

If your bean is coming from database, you can at any time cancel any changes you performed using the discardChanges method.

$user = $userDao->getById(1);

echo $user->getName();
// outputs 'Foo'


// Cancels any changes

echo $user->getName();
// outputs 'Foo' again, not 'Bar'

Cloning beans

You can clone beans using the clone keyword.

$user = $userDao->getById(1);

$userCopy = clone $user;

Cloned beans have the following properties:

  • The primary key of the cloned bean is set to null. This enables you to save the cloned bean easily (if you use auto-incremented primary keys).
  • The cloned bean is "detached" from TDBM. You will have to call the save method of the DAO to save the bean in database.
  • Many to many relationships are also passed to the cloned bean.

Logging and debugging

TDBM uses MagicQuery to automatically guess the joins you want. If for some reason, the guess is bad, it can be quite difficult to understand the request performed.

In these cases, you will want to enable logging.

For this, you need to pass a PSR-3 compatible logger as the 4th parameter of the TDBMService constructor.

TDBM can log quite a lot so by default, TDBM will restrict itself to only logging "warning" messages (or above). If you enable logging of "debug" messages, you will see any SELECT request performed by TDBM.

For instance, to log a specific SQL request, you can do:

use Psr\Log\LogLevel;

class UserDao extends AbstractUserDao {

     * Returns the list of users starting with $firstLetter
     * @param string $firstLetter
     * @return UserResultIterator
    public function getUsersByLetter($firstLetter) {
        $results = $this->find("name LIKE :name", [ "name" => $firstLetter.'%' ]);
        return $results;

Do not forget to register a PSR-3 logger in your TDBMService, otherwise, nothing will be logged!

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