
We built the API with Symfony 5, TDBM, and GraphQLite.

The API is the backbone of the boilerplate:

  • It centralizes most of the logic (use cases, validations, access control).
  • Most of the data from and to the browser and other services transit through it.


The API's source code architecture is quite close to other architectures like Clean Architecture, but with shortcuts to simplify it.

On the contrary to a classic MVC architecture, the API's architecture will help you with:

  • Testing.
  • Separation of concerns.
  • Composition.

We separate the source code into three namespaces:

  • App\Domain.
  • App\UseCase.
  • App\Infrastructure.

📣  The boilerplate provides the Deptrac tool to enforce where you should put your classes. More on that subject in the Static Analysis chapter.


The App\Domain namespace is where you'll find:

  • Your Models (from the database, from the storage, etc.)
  • Your DAOs, your Storages.
  • Your Enumerators.
  • Your base Throwables.

📣  The App\Domain namespace can only call classes from its namespace.


The App\UseCase namespace is where you'll find your... uses cases! 😁

What's a use case?

Let's say you want to create a User and send a reset password email.

You'll create two classes:

  1. src/api/src/UseCase/User/CreateUser.php
  2. src/api/src/UseCase/User/ResetPassword/ResetPassword.php

Why two? Because of composition!

Indeed, your ResetPassword use case might be useful for another scenario.

In your CreateUser use case, you'll write the logic for creating a user and saving it in the database.

Then you'll call your ResetPassword use case.


📣  While developing, it's essential to think use case first.


📣  The use cases are also our GraphQL endpoints. See the GraphQL guide.


📣  The App\Usecase namespace can only call classes from its namespace and the App\Domain namespace.


The App\Infrastructure namespace is where you'll find any other classes.

For instance:

  • Your REST controllers.
  • Your Symfony Commands.
  • Etc.

📣  The App\Infrastructure namespace can call classes from all namespaces.