
Application Name#

Both the webapp and api services read the APP_NAME environment variable.

Its value comes from the root .env file.

If you update this value, you will have to restart these services (locally by doing make down up).


📣  Don't forget to update the file .env.dist if this change is definitive.


The Symfony Boilerplate uses BootstrapVue as templating framework.

Of course, you may use another templating framework, although it will require some extra work.

Most of the components from BootstrapVue come in the form of plugins.

You have to add them manually in the src/webapp/nuxt.config.js file:

bootstrapVue: {
icons: true,
css: false,
bvCSS: false,
componentPlugins: [
// etc.

Change Colors#


The file src/webapp/assets/css/_variables.scss is where you may define most of the colors.

A few other .scss files also contain colors definition.

Loading Bar#

Its color is configurable in the src/webapp/nuxt.config.js file:

loading: {
color: '#a211fa',
height: '3px',


The file src/api/assets/css/emails.css is where you may define most of the colors.