
📣  All commands have to be run in the api service (make api).


Pest is a wrapper around PHPUnit.

In the Symfony Boilerplate, we focus on testing the use cases.


composer pest

It executes all tests and display the result and the code coverage in your terminal.

An HTML output is also available under the src/api/coverage folder. Do not hesitate to take a look at it!

You can also run tests per group, for instance:

pest --group=user,company


Most of the configuration occurs in the src/api/phpunit.xml.dist file. Here, we:

  • Override some environment variables.
  • Exclude PHP files from code coverage.

Good to know#

  • We use the mysql_test service as a database; before running tests, the PHP script src/api/tests/bootstrap.php destroys the database, re-creates it, and applies migrations.
  • A rollback occurs after each test; if you need test data for all tests from a file, you may use the beforeEach method. See, for instance, the file src/api/tests/UseCase/User/GetUsersTest.php.
  • The Symfony mailer does not send emails.
  • The Storages do not send files to the minio service but use the memory instead.

Testing a use case#

Let's say you have the following use case:

final class CreateUser
private FooDao $fooDao;
private CreateBar $createBar;
public function __construct(
FooDao $fooDao,
CreateBar $createBar
) {
$this->fooDao = $fooDao;
$this->createBar = $createBar;
* @throws InvalidModel
* @Mutation
public function createFoo(
string $bar,
string $baz
): Foo {
$bar = this->createBar($bar);
$foo = new Foo(
return $foo;

In the Pest file src/api/tests/UseCase/Foo/CreateFooTest.php, you should focus on testing the creation of a Foo (violations, etc.).

In other words, do not test the use case CreateBar, as it should have its dedicated test.

'creates a foo',
function (
string $bar,
string $baz
): void {
$createFoo = self::$container->get(CreateFoo::class);
assert($createFoo instanceof CreateFoo);
$foo = $createFoo->createFo(
assertEquals($bar, $foo->getBar());
assertEquals($baZ, $foo->getBaz());
['foo', 'foo'],
['bar', 'bar'],
'throws an exception if invalid foo',
function (
string $bar,
string $baz
): void {
$createFoo = self::$container->get(CreateFoo::class);
assert($createFoo instanceof CreateFoo);
// Blank bar.
['', 'foo'],
// Bar > 255.
[DummyValues::CHAR256, 'foo'],

📣  You must import a use case somewhere in your source code; otherwise Pest (or PHPUnit) will not be able to inject it in your tests.

