Doctrine Migrations

TDBM integrates well with Symfony, as you are able to use the DoctrineMigrationsBundle.

TDBM provides wrappers around this library for:

  1. Building your database structure with fluid schemas (i.e., $x->foo()->bar()->baz()).
  2. Defining your GraphQL types and their fields.

📣  All commands have to be run in the api service (make api).

Create a migration#

php bin/console doctrine:migrations:generate

This command will generate a new empty migration in the src/api/migrations folder.

Add a meaningful description:

public function getDescription() : string
return 'Create X, Y and Z tables.';

And throw the following exception in the down method:

public function down(Schema $schema) : void
throw new RuntimeException('Never rollback a migration!');

You may now update the up method. For instance:

use TheCodingMachine\FluidSchema\TdbmFluidSchema;
public function up(Schema $schema): void
$db = new TdbmFluidSchema($schema);

📣  A table name should be plural.

If you're updating an existing table, it would be better to edit the corresponding migration instead of creating a new migration.


📣  Do not edit a migration if a remote environment like your production did apply the migration.

Apply migrations#

php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate -n

This command will apply the new migrations to the database.


📣  In development, the api service does it on startup.

If you've edited an existing migration, you'll have to reset the database first:

php bin/console doctrine:database:drop -n --force &&
php bin/console doctrine:database:create -n &&
php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate -n

📣  Reminder: Do not edit a migration if a remote environment like your production did apply the migration.