Use Cases

In the previous chapter, we saw how to validate models against many rules/constraints.

Yet, in your use cases, you may want to control when to validate these models.

Simple Scenario#

This scenario occurs when you are manipulating only one model in your use case.

For instance, let's say you want to save a User instance and validate its data:

* @throws InvalidModel
public function createUser(string $firstName, string $lastName): User
$user = new User($firstName, $lastName);

Here the save method from the DAO validates the User instance. No rocket science!

"Complex" Scenario#

Now let's say users have an optional profile picture.

You have to verify that:

  1. The User instance is valid.
  2. If it exists, the storable ProfilePicture is valid.
  3. The instructions' order will not leave the data in a dirty state.
* @throws InvalidModel
* @throws InvalidStorable
public function createUser(string $firstName, string $lastName, ?ProfilePicture $profilePicture = null): User
$user = new User($firstName, $lastName);
// We validate the user first.
// Ok, the user is valid.
// If not, the previous instruction throws an InvalidModel exception.
if ($profilePicture === null) {
// No profile picture, let's save the user...
// ... and exit the method right away.
return $user;
// We have a profile picture to upload to the storage.
// Reminder: the method write validate the storable.
$filename = $this->profilePictureStorage->write($profilePicture);
// The profile picture has been uploaded to the storage,
// and we know that our user is valid.
// Unless something goes really wrong, we're good!
return $user;