
Most of the time, you want to validate a model's data.

In the Symfony Boilerplate, we distinguish three kinds of models:

  1. The TDBM models for business data.
  2. The Storable models for uploads.
  3. The Proxy models for data that do not fit in previous scenarios.

TDBM Models#


The first stone for validating your TDBM models occurs in the Doctrine migrations.


📣  See the Database chapter for more details about Doctrine migrations.

For instance, let's take a look at the Doctrine migration for the users table:

public function up(Schema $schema): void
$db = new TdbmFluidSchema($schema);

Here we are already defining rules:

  • Scalar values (string, int, etc.).
  • Nullable or not.
  • Default values.
  • Unique values.

PHP Classes#

Of course, most of these rules are not user-friendly nor developer-friendly as they occur on the database level.

Yet, after applying this migration, TDBM is able to generate two PHP classes:

  • BaseUser.
  • User that extends BaseUser.

Let's take a look at the constructor's signature from the BaseUser class:

public function __construct(string $firstName, string $lastName, string $email, string $locale, string $role);

Here we can see that non-nullable properties are mandatory. Also, all the properties have an explicit type.

For getters and setters, it works the same:

public function getFirstName(): string;
public function setFirstName(string $firstName): void;

Overall, it greatly improves the developer experience as you cannot put a wrong type nor miss a mandatory property when creating/updating an instance of a TDBM model. 😉


That being said, it's still not enough. For instance, how to make sure a value is unique? Or a string is not superior to 256 characters?

You could let the database tell you about these issues, but that's usually done in a non developer-friendly way.

Thankfully, the Symfony Validation bundle provides most of the rules (aka constraints) you may want to apply to a TDBM model's property.

You may also add your own rules.


📣  See the Constraints chapter of the official documentation for the list of available rules.


📣  The folder src/api/src/Domain/Constraint contains our custom-made constraints.

As we cannot modify the BaseUser class, we have to override the getters in the User class.

For instance, let's take a look at the email property getter:

use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints as Assert;
* @Assert\NotBlank(message="not_blank")
* @Assert\Length(max=255, maxMessage="max_length_255")
* @Assert\Email(message="invalid_email")
public function getEmail(): string
return parent::getEmail();

In addition to type hint (non-nullable string), we add three rules:

  1. The email cannot be blank.
  2. The email cannot have a length superior to 255 characters.
  3. The email has to be valid.

📣  The message attribute contains a translation key. See the i18n chapter for more details.

You may also add a validation annotation to the class itself:

use App\Domain\Constraint as DomainAssert;
use TheCodingMachine\GraphQLite\Annotations\Type;
* @Type
* @DomainAssert\Unicity(table="users", column="email", message="user.email_not_unique")
class User extends BaseUser {}

In this scenario, we use our custom-made Unicity constraint that verify if a value does not already exist in the database.


In addition to the model classes, TDBM also generates the DAO classes.

Like the models, there are two of them:

  • BaseUserDao.
  • UserDao that extends BaseDao.

In the later, we have to inject a ValidatorInterface:

use Symfony\Component\Validator\Validator\ValidatorInterface;
use TheCodingMachine\TDBM\TDBMService;
class UserDao extends BaseUserDao
private ValidatorInterface $validator;
public function __construct(TDBMService $tdbmService, ValidatorInterface $validator)
$this->validator = $validator;

The ValidatorInterface provides the method validate that returns the list of all violations according to the model constraints:

/** User $user */
$violations = $this->validator->validate($user);

By convention, it's great to add a validate method in your DAOs:

use App\Domain\Throwable\InvalidModel;
* @throws InvalidModel
public function validate(User $user): void
$violations = $this->validator->validate($user);

This method throws an exception if there are any violations in the model.

Last but not least, you should override the save method from the base DAO:

* @throws InvalidModel
public function save(User $user): void

This approach has two HUGE benefits:

  1. You centralize the action of validating at one place.
  2. You always validate a model before saving it in the database.

Storable Models#


📣  See the Uploads chapter for more details about uploads storage.

PHP Class#

A storable is a wrapper around an upload. You may want to validate its extension, size, etc.

You have to extend the Storable class with a custom class:

final class MyStorable extends Storable {}

Here you may override or add custom getters.

Indeed, like the TDBM models, a storable may uses Symfony Validation annotations. 😉

For instance, let's say you want to validate the upload's extension:

use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints as Assert;
* @Assert\Choice({"png", "jpg"}, message="my_storable.invalid_extensions")
public function getExtension(): string
return parent::getExtension();


A storage is like a DAO but for storables.

It provides methods for validating one or more storables:

use App\Domain\Throwable\InvalidStorable;
* @param Storable[] $storables
* @throws InvalidStorable
public function validateAll(array $storables): void;
* @throws InvalidStorable
public function validate(Storable $storable): void;

Like the save method from a DAO, its write and writeAll methods also call the validation methods:

use App\Domain\Throwable\InvalidStorable;
* @param Storable[] $storables
* @return string[]
* @throws InvalidStorable
public function writeAll(array $storables): array;
* @throws InvalidStorable
public function write(Storable $storable): string;

Proxy Models#

Proxy models are PHP classes that does not reflect a database's table nor an upload.

In other words, they are plain old PHP objects.

However, you may use Symfony Validation annotations on these models getters and validate them using the ValidatorInterface and InvalidModel classes. 😉


📣  Don't forget to add the @Type and @Field annotations if the model should be available in GraphQL.