Send Emails

The Symfony Boilerplate provides the abstract class CreateEmail. This class has a method create, which takes the following arguments:

protected function create(User $user, string $subjectId, string $template, array $context): TemplatedEmail
  • A recipient - an instance of User.
  • A translation key for the email's subject (see i18n guide for more details).
  • A template's path (more on that in the next chapter).
  • The template's context (i.e., the data of the template).

📣  This class does only create an Email object (it does not send it.).

You should extend this class to create your emails, for instance:

final class CreateFooEmail extends CreateEmail
public function createEmail(
User $user,
string $foo,
string $bar
): TemplatedEmail {
return $this->create(
'emails/foo.html.twig', # Don't forget to prefix the path with "emails/".
'foo' => $foo,
'bar' => $bar,

In the use case sending this email, you can inject both the previous class and the MailerInterface, i.e.:

private MailerInterface $mailer;
private CreateFooEmail $createFooEmail;
public function __construct(
MailerInterface $mailer,
CreateFooEmail $createFooEmail
) {
$this->mailer = $mailer;
$this->createFooEmail = $createFooEmail;

You can then use them as below:

$email = $this->createFooEmail->createEmail($user, $foo, $bar);

📣  Always put your classes extending CreateEmail on the same level as the use case requiring it.