
Symfony Mailer and Symfony Messenger#

The API uses Symfony Mailer for sending emails and Symfony Messenger for doing it asynchronously.

Two advantages come with this asynchronous process:

  • Sending emails does not slow your code execution.
  • If one consumer cannot unstack the queue messages as fast as they arrive, you can add consumers on the fly to increase the unstack rate.

📣  In your development environment, the API and the consumer are one; the make consume command starts the consumer inside the api service. In your remote environments (like production), the API and the consumer should be two different services.


Most of the configuration comes from the following environment variables:

  • MAILER_DSN: Data Source Name of the emails' server (format: protocol//user:password@hostname:port).
  • MESSENGER_TRANSPORT_DSN: Data Source Name of the Redis service (format: protocol//user:password@hostname:port/messages)
  • MAIL_TITLE: the header value to use in the default email template (the application name by default).
  • MAIL_FROM_ADDRESS: email address of the sender (usually
  • MAIL_FROM_NAME: name of the sender (i.e., MAIL_FROM_NAME <MAIL_FROM_ADDRESS>).