Web Application


📣  The Symfony Boilerplate uses BootstrapVue as templating framework. However, most of the explanations from this chapter should work with most frameworks with little adjustments.

List Mixin#

The Symfony Boilerplate provides the List mixin. This mixin contains useful data and methods to help you build a list.


📣  A mixin content merges with the content of your Vue component.

Vue component <script> block
import { List } from '@/mixins/list'
export default {
mixins: [List],


The initialization of your page occurs in the asyncData attribute of your Vue Component:

Vue component <script> block
import { List, defaultItemsPerPage, calculateOffset } from '@/mixins/list'
import { UsersQuery } from '@/graphql/users/users.query'
export default {
mixins: [List],
// On page access, Nuxt.js always server-renders a Vue component
// with an "asyncData" property.
async asyncData(context) {
// You don't have access to "this" but context instead.
try {
const result = await context.app.$graphql.request(UsersQuery, {
// Most of the values come either from the query parameters
// (i.e., ?foo=bar,baz=2) or a default value.
search: context.route.query.search || '',
role: context.route.query.role || null,
return {
items: result.users.items,
} catch (e) {

📣  asyncData merges at runtime with the data of your Vue component.


📣  Don't use null as value for your scalar parameters as it will make your page reload. Prefer, for instance, an empty string.

Vue component <template> block

Fields / Headers#

You do that in the data attribute of your Vue component:

Vue component <script> block
data() {
return {
fields: [
{ key: 'id', label: '#' },
key: 'firstName',
label: this.$t('common.first_name'),
{ key: 'lastName', label: this.$t('common.last_name') },
{ key: 'email', label: this.$t('common.email') },
{ key: 'locale', label: this.$t('common.locale') },
{ key: 'role', label: this.$t('common.role') },

📣  The key value have to have the same name as the corresponding GraphQL field.

Vue component <template> block


By default, the <b-table> component automatically renders the data thanks to its items and fields attributes.

However, you may want to customize the output. For instance:

Vue component <template> block
<!-- Template for "role" column. -->
<template #cell(role)="data">
{{ roleTranslationFromEnum(data.item.role) }}


There are two kinds of search:

  1. Live search.
  2. On click search.

First, you have to prepare your data:

Vue component <script> block
data() {
return {
filters: {
search: this.$route.query.search || '',
role: this.$route.query.role || null,
// ...

📣  Don't use null as value for your scalar parameters as it will make your page reload. Prefer, for instance, an empty string.

Live Search#

For <b-input type="text"> component, you should use both the :debounce and @update attributes:

Vue component <template> block
<b-form @submit.stop.prevent>

📣  The default debounce value comes from the List mixin.

For <b-form-select> component, you should use the @change attribute:

Vue component <template> block
<b-form @submit.stop.prevent>

On Click Search#

Vue component <template> block
<b-form @submit.stop.prevent="onSearch">
>{{ $t('common.search') }}</b-button

Search Logic#

The List mixin provides the onSearch method. It resets the current page to 1 and call the doSearch method. You have to implement this last method:

Vue component <script> block
methods: {
async doSearch() {
// Updates the query parameters for the current page.
// For instance, if filter.search="foo", your page URL becomes
// "?search=foo". It also works with sort by and sort order value,
// plus pagination. See below.
try {
const result = await this.$graphql.request(UsersQuery, {
search: this.filters.search,
role: this.filters.role,
this.items = result.users.items
} catch (e) {


The browser could handle the sorting, but it does not make sense in the Symfony Boilerplate, as the API is able to handle this task for us.

Yet, we have to prepare the UI.

First let's start by updating the data:

Vue component <script> block
import { EMAIL, FIRST_NAME, LAST_NAME } from '@/enums/filters/users-sort-by'
data() {
return {
// We add the "sortable" attribute to the columns
// we want to sort or not.
fields: [
{ key: 'id', label: '#', sortable: false },
key: 'firstName',
label: this.$t('common.first_name'),
sortable: true,
{ key: 'lastName', label: this.$t('common.last_name'), sortable: true },
{ key: 'email', label: this.$t('common.email'), sortable: true },
{ key: 'locale', label: this.$t('common.locale'), sortable: false },
{ key: 'role', label: this.$t('common.role'), sortable: false },
// We define the property "sortByMap" where:
// 1. Key = field / header name.
// 2. Value = sort value we want to send to the API.
sortByMap: {
firstName: FIRST_NAME,
lastName: LAST_NAME,
email: EMAIL,

📣  It is best to create a dedicated enum in src/webapp/enums/filters for sort by values.

Once the data is ready, we have to update the <b-table> component:

Vue component <template> block
  • :no-local-sorting disables browser-side sorting.
  • :sort-by uses the computed value boostrapTableSortBy from the List mixin. This computed value uses itself our sortByMap.
  • :sort-desc uses the computed value isDesc from the List mixin.
  • @sort-changed uses the method onSort from the List mixin. This method sets the this.sortBy and this.sortOrder values from the mixin, reset the current page to 1, before calling your doSearch method.

We may now update the asyncData and doSearch methods:

Vue component <script> block
async asyncData(context) {
try {
const result = await context.app.$graphql.request(UsersQuery, {
search: context.route.query.search || '',
role: context.route.query.role || null,
sortBy: context.route.query.sortBy || null,
sortOrder: context.route.query.sortOrder || null,
return {
items: result.users.items,
} catch (e) {
methods: {
async doSearch() {
try {
const result = await this.$graphql.request(UsersQuery, {
search: this.filters.search,
role: this.filters.role,
sortBy: this.sortBy,
sortOrder: this.sortOrder,
this.items = result.users.items
} catch (e) {


The <b-pagination> component is a great way to handle pagination for a list:

Vue component <template> block
  • currentPage is a data from the List mixin.
  • :per-page uses the itemsPerPage data from the List mixin. You may override its value in your component.
  • :total-rows uses the count data from the List mixin. You update this value in your doSearch method.
  • @change uses the method onPaginate from the List mixin. It sets the current page and calls your doSearch method.
  • @click.native="$scrollToTop calls the plugin scrollToTop that... scrolls to the top of the page when the user clicks on the pagination buttons.
Vue component <script> block
import { defaultItemsPerPage, calculateOffset } from '@/mixins/list'
async asyncData(context) {
try {
const result = await context.app.$graphql.request(UsersQuery, {
search: context.route.query.search || '',
role: context.route.query.role || null,
sortBy: context.route.query.sortBy || null,
sortOrder: context.route.query.sortOrder || null,
// defaultItemsPerPage and calculateOffset comes
// from the List mixin. You may uses your own
// default items per page if necessary.
limit: defaultItemsPerPage,
offset: calculateOffset(
context.route.query.page || 1,
return {
items: result.users.items,
// We retrieve the current item counts from
// the GraphQL response.
count: result.users.count,
} catch (e) {
methods: {
async doSearch() {
try {
const result = await this.$graphql.request(UsersQuery, {
search: this.filters.search,
role: this.filters.role,
sortBy: this.sortBy,
sortOrder: this.sortOrder,
// this.itemsPerPage is a data that comes from the List mixin.
// You may change this default limit with your own.
limit: this.itemsPerPage,
// this.offset is a computed value that
// comes from the List mixin.
offset: this.offset,
this.items = result.users.items
// We retrieve the current item counts from
// the GraphQL response
this.count = result.users.count
} catch (e) {

Loading State#

Vue component <template> block
  • :busy displays a loader is true. It uses the isLoading data from the List mixin.
Vue component <script> block
methods: {
async doSearch() {
// Enables loading.
this.isLoading = true
try {
const result = await this.$graphql.request(UsersQuery, {
search: this.filters.search,
role: this.filters.role,
sortBy: this.sortBy,
sortOrder: this.sortOrder,
limit: this.itemsPerPage,
offset: this.offset,
this.items = result.users.items
this.count = result.users.count
// Disables loading.
this.isLoading = false
} catch (e) {