For the API, i18n has three goals:

  1. Translate the validation error messages.
  2. Translate the emails.
  3. Translate the spreadsheets.

The symfony/translation package helps us for that task.


📣  It requires the PHP extension intl, already configured in the api service.

Basic Usage#

Symfony provides a TranslatorInterface you can inject in your class, i.e.:

# A class.
private TranslatorInterface $translator;
public function __construct(
TranslatorInterface $translator
) {
$this->translator = $translator;

You can then use it as below:

$translatedSubject = $this->translator
'the_domain', // More on that later.

📣  Most of the time, you don't have to use the TranslatorInterface as either Symfony or the parent class call it for you.

Translations Folder#

Folder src/api/translations contains one YAML file per locale and domain.

A domain is a sort of scope. For instance, src/api/translations/emails.en.yaml and src/api/translations/emails.fr.yaml are both for the email domain (used for translating emails!).

Each of these files contains translation keys and the associated texts.

For instance:

baz: "Hello"

📣  All files from the same domain should have the same organization (same translations keys, identical sorting, etc.).


Let's say you have a class with the following validation annotations:

* @Field
* @Assert\NotBlank(message="not_blank")
* @Assert\Length(max=255, maxMessage="max_length_255")
public function getFirstName(): string
return parent::getFirstName();

The message property of each Assert annotation is a translation key from the validators domain:

not_blank: "This value should not be blank."
max_length_255: "This value is too long. It should have 255 characters or less."
not_blank: "Cette valeur ne doit pas être vide."
max_length_255: "Cette valeur est trop longue. Elle doit avoir 255 caractères ou moins."

The web application implements a mechanism for setting the correct locale to translate these validation error messages (see interactions between the web application and the API chapter).


Emails translation uses the emails domain. The corresponding YAML files are:

  • src/api/translations/emails.en.yaml
  • src/api/translations/emails.fr.yaml

Let's take a look at the CreateEmail use case:

protected function create(User $user, string $subjectId, string $template, array $context): TemplatedEmail

The method create takes, among other arguments, a User instance and the translation key of the email's subject. The User has a locale property used for translating both the email's subject and its content.

See the Emails guide for more details on how to extend this use case.

The Twig templates of your emails should look like this:

{% extends 'emails/email.html.twig' %}
{% trans_default_domain domain %}
{% block body %}
{% apply inky_to_html|inline_css(source('@css/foundation-emails.css'), source('@css/emails.css')) %}
<h1>{% trans into locale %}translation_key{% endtrans %}</h1>
{% endapply %}
{% endblock %}

The CreateEmail use case will provide both domain and locale values.


Spreadsheets translation uses the spreadsheets domain. The corresponding YAML files are:

  • src/api/translations/spreadsheets.en.yaml
  • src/api/translations/spreadsheets.fr.yaml

As you might want to translate the headers and cell values of your XLSX exports, the boilerplate provides examples on how of do so.

Let's take a look at the CreateXLSXExport use case:

public function create(string $locale, array $headerIds, array $values): Xlsx

The method create takes, among other arguments, a locale. It will use it to translate the spreadsheet's headers accordingly.

For values, you should translate them directly in your use cases before calling the create method.