
On macOS and Windows, Docker currently has substantial performance issues.

Vagrant will help you to have an almost Linux-like experience regarding performances.


  • 📦  make vagrant - creates the Vagrantfile.
  • 🚀  vagrant up - installs and starts the virtual machine.
  • 🚇  vagrant ssh - connects to the virtual machine.
  • 🚦  vagrant halt - stops the virtual machine.
  • 💣  vagrant destroy - destroys the virtual machine.

📣  On Windows, consider using a Linux-like terminal to run the make vagrant command.


📣  With vagrant ssh, you may run the Makefile's instructions like a Linux user.


In the .env file contains the following variables for Vagrant:

  • VAGRANT_BOX - the VM to use.
  • VAGRANT_PROJECT_NAME - the project name: only use alphanumeric characters (no spaces, distinguish words with _ or -).
  • VAGRANT_MEMORY - the memory to allocate to the VM.
  • VAGRANT_CPUS - the CPUs to allocate to the VM.
  • VAGRANT_DOCKER_COMPOSE_VERSION - the version of Docker Compose to use.

The command make vagrant reads these variables and uses them as arguments when calling the scripts/ script.

This script replaces placeholders from the Vagrantfile.template by the variables' values and creates a new Vagrantfile.


📣  You should never commit the Vagrantfile.